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Daddy Dearest: Cool gift ideas for the main man this Father's Day

Why is it that it's SO easy to shop for Moms, but when it comes to Dads you always find yourself scanning a 96 piece ratchet set (just like the one you bought last year) or combing the shirt-n-tie aisle with a glazed-over look in your eye.  B-O-R-I-N-G.  I mean come on, this guy helped to create you!  Get him something with a little oomph!  I recently took to the park, streets, sidewalk and backyard and asked a bunch of cool-looking local Dads what they desire more than anything in the world for Father's Day.  Their responses were all identical.  It was almost as if they had formed a secret society of listless, down-in-the-daddy-dumps Dads, some night, in some garage, where they pledged to only ask for one simple thing - the whole strength in numbers routine.  100% of respondents replied:

"All I want on Father's Day is for an entire day to myself where nobody barks orders at me, or has me working on a project or running an errand.  I want just a single day to do what I please without answering to anyone."

Ouch.  Sounds like the wives and kids in my neighbourhood rate above-average in the nagging department. 

Well, besides a day where my husband/father-to-my-three-boys can golf non-stop from dawn to dusk without so much as a text from me, there are oodles of great gift ideas and experiences for any Dad - gifts that will truly drive home how much we care, faster than a Big Bertha off a long tee (golf reference...don't worry, I have no idea what that means either).

I've broken it down into Dad categories and you can watch me live, on CTV's Canada AM, Thursday June 18th at 8:40am for some Dad-erific ideas and huge dream-gift surprises!!! 
Click here to watch!!!

     For the "Debonair Dad"

     Canada Goose jackets  ($395 - $595)

     Scotch-Whisky (Bunnahabhain)  $100

     Harry Rosen
  • Pocket squares x 3, $55
  • Shaving Set x 1, $198
  • Swim trunks x 2, $98
  • Daniel Buchler lounge shorts and t-shirt, $120 each
  • Burberry London check cufflinks, $120
Burberry cufflinks from Harry Rosen

         Body Shop
    • Shaving kit, $35
    • Bathroom kit, $40

         For the "Devoted Dad"

         Canadian Tire

         For the "Daredevil Dad"

         TryThat{!} vouchers ($99 - $250)
 for Beer Appreciation Classes, Exotic Car Track Experience,
         Flyboarding in the Muskokas and much more!!!

    If Dad likes adventure, visit

         Sporting Life
    • Nike Speed Jump Rope, $17.99
    • Under Armour Men’s Flux Half-finger Gloves, $27.99
    • Garmin Forerunner 620 Monitor, $589.99
    • Fitbit Surge Performance Fitness Wristband, $299.99
    • Fitbit Charge Everyday Fitness Wristband, $149.99
    • Reebok Men’s All Terrain 2 Shoes, $129.99
    • Asics Men’s Gel-Nimbus 16, $189.99
    • Oakley Holbrook, $139.99

         Dream Gifts for Dad (in his dreams!!!)

         Tesla (see dealer for pricing)

         Kalamazoo BBQ, $27 000

         Private golf course membership, starts at $30 000
    Sweet ride - fully electric too!

    This BBQ is boss!


    1. Hi Kasie, loved your Father's Day segment on Canada AM last week. Would love to get in touch with you about more opportunities with The Body Shop. Do you have an e-mail address that you can be reached at?

    2. Hi Kasie,

      I'm writing from Jane Gill PR, the Toronto-based firm that works with the Williams-Sonoma, Inc. brands in Canada. We loved your weekend hostess gifts segment on Canada AM and would like to get in touch with you about future opportunities. Can you please share your email address?

      Thank you!



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