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Forget April 1st- let's be fools year round!

Recently, I visited my hometown and met up with some friends from "the good ol' days".  You remember the good ol' days don't you?  When the term "responsibility" meant showing up to school on time and paying back the $0.50 you borrowed from a friend to buy an ice cream sandwich from the caf?   In the good ol' days, "time management" meant spending as much time laughing until your cheeks hurt as you did sleeping in.  My friends and I spent hours recalling these times of complete fun and frivolity and I took great pleasure in listening to them recount all of the unnecessarily stupid and hilarious things that I, Kasie, supposedly did for a cheap laugh. 

That's when reality hit me in the face like a hot pink can of Aqua Net- I am soooo boring and soooo lame and soooo un-fun now that I have kids and a husband and jobs and carpooling duties and bills and kitty litter and wrinkles and dry strange places...  I am such a bummer so much of the time.  My poor family, was the first thing that popped into my head.  What happened to Krazy Kasie of yesteryear? 

Growing up, my house was always filled with hijinx.  My whole family was comprised of pranksters and it wasn't reserved for April Fool's Day either.  My Mom routinely sent me to school with my brown-bagged lunch, knowing full well the level of sheer embarrassment I would experience when I dumped out the contents to find a pile of dog biscuits mixed in with the standard sandwich and yogurt.  My brother and I once found an old slide-projector in the basement and hung it out his bedroom window, projecting a 40 foot image of my Dad in bell bottoms with handlebar moustache onto the side of a neighbours house in the darkness of rush-hour traffic.  One time,  my sweet, Betty White look-a-like of a grandmother sat me down and explained that the pots of soil on her coffee table were actually tiny marijuana plants being grown for medicinal purposes and that all of her friends were "really into it".  Turns out they were merely Amaryllis bulbs.  The point is, tomfoolery is in my blood! 

But back then, life was so unpredictable and fluid and changing and spontaneous!  When you're a parent, everyday starts to feel the same- same routine, same "where are your socks, sit on your bum" speech...the days come and the days go and where is the fun I ask?  Kids want parents who act like kids!  At least some of the time.  So starting yesterday, it's April Fool's Day come early in the Savage household. 

When the boys got home from school they discovered what turned out to be a Tootsie Roll, slightly melted and crafted to look like a fresh animal dropping in the foyer.  Boys love poop jokes! Who doesn't really?  I put on my straight face and accused each of them of the mess and then threatened to investigate further by touching and tasting the sample.  We all had a great belly-laugh and also enjoyed a soft Tootsie Roll snack- a win, win I tell you.  Today, who knows what prank shall emerge from the cobwebs of my inner joker...  All I know is, I'm back baby!!!


  1. Stephanie PattersonMarch 29, 2012 at 6:42 PM

    Love this blog entry. Job well done as always Kasie. Your wit is still very much alive.


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