My boys are good boys...most of the time. But there are days (we all have them) when I am a mere mouse-click away from posting their pics and profiles on Ebay and auctioning them off to the first nut-job bidder. To quell my rage and seek advice, I used to turn to parenting books for solace, guidance and reassurance. But as I've grown older and lazier, I have come to realise that reading books requires effort, proper lighting and two hands to hold the book- difficult to do with an aquarium-sized glass of Sauvignon Blanc in my left...and the classy box it dispenses from in my right. So alas, I have come to rely on the ever-dependable and always hands-free reality television as my guide to becoming a better Mom. More specifically, I am a disciple of everyone's favourite reproductive dynamos, the Duggars from good ol' Arkansas (as seen 24/7 on TLC). First off, let's just take Jim-Bob Duggar right out of this discussion, because I thin...
Well...I try- try to get everything just perfectly so. From family to home, garden, cooking and beyond. Only problem is, well...nothing ever quite turns out the way I had hoped. I live by "almost": It almost fits, is almost edible, almost painted properly, almost deloused, almost safe... Will I ever get it right? Who knows. But along the way, it'll be anything but boring!