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Showing posts from November, 2011

Grooming my boys to be grooms

There's a great and well known parenting adage I subscribe to:  "Never do for your kids what they can do for themselves ".  Not only does it help kids to be more responsible, confident and independent, but having them do more, means I get to do less! Now I have so much time on my hands I can even complain more!! My little fellas are now aged 8, almost 6 and 4.  Wyatt, the eldest (aka Bossy), frequently does his own laundry, cleans bathrooms, vacuums, mops, dusts and even has crabs!  (Hermit crabs...the pet variety).  He's even started making breakfast for the family and his own school lunches.  He gets paid for none of this.  Noah and Spencer, the younger brothers (aka Needy and Demanding) also clean bathrooms, vacuum, dust, polish, help with laundry washing/folding, sweep floors, wipe tables, garden, etc...  No money there either.  This is all on top of their daily expectations- to wake indepe...