Just as soon as our clocks fall back, I like to spring forward and soak up every single merry second of the holiday season. It's just so much easier than starring bleakly at a cold, damp, darkened, leafless streetscape at 5pm dreaming of April. In our family, once the Halloween candy is still freshly wedged into tiny molars, the kids are already addressing envelopes to the North Pole and dotting the "i"s on their wish-list of Apple products. As parents, we know that December means answering the thrice daily question, "how many more days until Christmas????" A Christmas calendar makes the countdown (or count-up) fun and making your own reusable calendar can be a really nice way to kick off a new tradition as well as usher in the festive season. With budgets in mind (you won't need a credit card for these purchases!), I've come up with two easy (I promise), fast (I promise) Christmas calendars using supplies that cost less than $30 total- one is f...
Well...I try- try to get everything just perfectly so. From family to home, garden, cooking and beyond. Only problem is, well...nothing ever quite turns out the way I had hoped. I live by "almost": It almost fits, is almost edible, almost painted properly, almost deloused, almost safe... Will I ever get it right? Who knows. But along the way, it'll be anything but boring!